Threat Hunting & Attack Surface Scans

Our Continuous Attack Surface Scans and Threat Hunting as a Service proactively identify and neutralize potential threats before they compromise your systems.

Uncover Hidden Threats Before They Strike

24/7 Monitoring and Scanning

Our advanced tools and technologies continuously monitor your digital environment, ensuring that no threat goes unnoticed. With round-the-clock scanning, we keep your defenses robust and responsive.

Expert Threat Hunting

Our team of seasoned cybersecurity experts employs sophisticated threat-hunting techniques to identify hidden vulnerabilities and malicious activities. By staying one step ahead of cybercriminals, we help safeguard your business-critical assets.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analysis

Gain insights into your security posture with detailed reports and analyses. Our comprehensive reporting ensures you understand the threats and vulnerabilities present in your environment, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Customized Solutions

Every business is unique, and so are its security needs. We tailor our services to meet your specific requirements, providing you with customized solutions that fit your organization’s risk profile and operational demands.

Pipeline Logomark

Key Features

Continuous Attack Surface Scans

Detect vulnerabilities and potential entry points in real-time.

Proactive Threat Hunting

Identify and mitigate threats before they impact your operations.

Automated Alerts

Receive immediate notifications of any suspicious activities or vulnerabilities.

Expert Analysis

Benefit from the expertise of our cybersecurity professionals.

Actionable Insights

Understand the implications of threats and vulnerabilities with our clear and actionable reports.

Pipeline Logomark

How It Works

Initial Assessment
We begin with a thorough assessment of your current security posture to understand your unique needs and vulnerabilities.
Continuous Scanning
Our systems continuously scan your digital environment, looking for any signs of potential threats.
Threat Hunting
Our experts actively hunt for hidden threats, using advanced techniques and the latest intelligence.
Reporting and Remediation
We provide detailed reports and work with you to remediate any identified issues, ensuring your systems remain secure.

Pipeline allows security operations and incident response teams to make quick, confident decisions based on external intelligence that is automatically correlated with internal threat data — in real time, at scale across vast amounts of data, and without the need for complicated research.

Ready to enhance your security posture?

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help protect your organization from cyber threats.