Managed Threat Intelligence

Managed Threat Intelligence, Protective DNS and Policy Management for IoT, Service providers, and Telecommunication operators

Pipeline Logomark

Develop customized protection policies based on your customers' and business's needs.

Vision aids in the conversion of Indicators of Compromise (IOC) data such as ransomware, malware, phishing, command and control, or other malicious IP and domains into a customized internet policy data feed. Our professionals will automatically update and manage the feeds based on your business requirements.

Build your own web filter policies

Data collection from logs and events

Monitoring file and registry key integrity

Inventory of running processes and installed applications

Monitoring open ports and network configurations

Detecting rootkits and malware artifacts

Configuration assessment and policy monitoring

Spamhaus Threat Intellgence

Surbl Data Feeds - Phishing

Scamadvisor - Fraud & Disinformation

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Cyber information Sharing Programs

Internal Indicators of Compromise (IOC) Data

Whitelisting support

Supports DNS over TLS

Integrate with API, DNS RPZ, and More.


Benefits of Vision

Comprehensive Threat Intelligence

Qualified data sources that are human and machine vetted, offering accurate and reliable coverage of IP addresses, domains, sub-domains, and URLs.

Custom Security Policies

Define your own protection by building your own security feeds and distribute to your network devices and applications

Network & Device Integrations

Automated policy updates for virtually any NGFW, DNS server, Router, Switch, WAF, SIEM, Cloud application, IoT Device and more.

Pipeline Logomark

Vision Architecture

Vision Case Study

Helping Service Providers, mobile carriers, cable TV providers, and other operators in defending their customers.


Built for ISP, Telcom, and service providers

Learn how to build new security services to protect your consumers and business users